Safe Space Alliance

Basestation recently signed up to the Safe Space Alliance

Who is the Safe Space Alliance?

They are a LGBTQI+ led non-profit organisation that helps people identify, navigate, and create safe spaces for LGBTQI+ communities worldwide. Their two core activities include maintaining an online directory of spaces around the world that welcome and support LGBTQI+ communities, and helping LGBTQI+ people get to safety. 


Powered by Impact

As part of Basestation’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) we sponsor or offer in-kind support to initiatives, events or groups that align with our kaupapa. One of these is Powered by Impact - a podcast series set up by one of our residents, Bryar Stewart from The Icehouse. Powered by Impact is Bryar’s side hustle and passion, we wrote a blog about her drive to get the podcast up and running earlier this year as part of our International Women’s Day series.

Connection and Kai at Basestation

Part of the human condition is to be social and find connection and belonging. 

With remote working on the rise, more people are looking to join a coworking space so they can connect with others on a regular basis rather than just working from home. 

At Basestation we understand the importance of connection and belonging, so we host regular events and opportunities for our residents to connect, network and create belonging together. Here are just some of the events, initiatives and opportunities we've hosted or got behind in the last 6 months!

Not sure if coworking is for you?

Each month we host an open day for everyone to experience coworking.
Get in touch with our team to find out when the next open day is or book a free tour of our space.