Residents Shout Out - Downtown Tauranga

At Basestation, we are always keen to share with the wider community who's coworking with us.

This month we caught up with the Downtown Tauranga team! 

Basestation Residents Christmas Party 2023

 Last night the Basestation residents all got together for the annual Basestation Christmas Party in the Babbage Space. Hosting a Christmas Party with our residents has been a long held tradition at Basestation. 


Combatting some of the challenges of remote working

To begin with, working from home seemed like an amazing opportunity with many positives!

The importance of feeling connected and community in the workspace

Although it seems like a distant memory, the impact Covid had has forever changed the way we work. For those of us who traditionally worked an ‘office’ job, options to work remotely or hybrid have now become commonplace. 

Small Business Day: Kōrero with Andrew Mahon from MOCA

Small Business Day 9th April is about celebrating, supporting and championing the heart and soul of kiwi communities - small businesses. 

At Basestation we have a lot of small businesses based here in our coworking space. 

We sat down with two residents who own a small business, we asked what they do, how coworking helps them to do this, and what it means to own a small business. 

Below is the kōrero we had with Andrew Mahon, Director and Owner of MOCA. MOCA is a web development company based in Tauranga and employs seven staff and two contractors (all New Zealand based).

Basestation Mana Enhancing Understanding

At the beginning of the year we started asking our residents for feedback - we asked “What’s working and what’s not working.” 

As well as some really lovely feedback (which we will share shortly in our social media), there were some items we were able to action or fix, and some we are still working on. One of the outcomes from doing this was to create a Basestation Mana Enhancing Understanding.


Parents of Basestation: Kōrero with John Baker from Architectus

With it being the school holidays at the moment, we thought now would be a good time to shine a spotlight on some of the parents who regularly use Basestation. We caught up with John Baker from Architectus for a kōrero on how he navigates mahi with two young tamariki at home.

Parents of Basestation: Kōrero with Soraya Hebert from STEMWana

With it being the school holidays at the moment, we thought now would be a good time to shine a spotlight on some of the parents who regularly use Basestation. We caught up with Soraya  Hebert from STEM Wana  for a kōrero on how she navigates mahi with a 18 month old tamariki in tow .

Safe Space Alliance

Basestation recently signed up to the Safe Space Alliance

Who is the Safe Space Alliance?

They are a LGBTQI+ led non-profit organisation that helps people identify, navigate, and create safe spaces for LGBTQI+ communities worldwide. Their two core activities include maintaining an online directory of spaces around the world that welcome and support LGBTQI+ communities, and helping LGBTQI+ people get to safety. 


Techweek inspired blog with June Chong from TechnologyWise


As it is Techweek this week; Aotearoa’s festival for tech that’s good for the world - we thought it would be a good excuse to catch up with some of our residents in the technology sector at Basestation. One of the longest standing companies here is TechnologyWise, we sat down for a kōrero with June Chong, one of the youngest members of the team. 


Pride Month: How to create a coworking space that’s LGBTQ+ safe and welcoming

As it’s Pride Month, it seemed like a good time to share how we aim to create a safe and welcoming space at Basestation for all our residents. We have recently joined the Safe Space Alliance and they provide a helpful range of resources for companies to use.

Connection and Kai at Basestation

Part of the human condition is to be social and find connection and belonging. 

With remote working on the rise, more people are looking to join a coworking space so they can connect with others on a regular basis rather than just working from home. 

At Basestation we understand the importance of connection and belonging, so we host regular events and opportunities for our residents to connect, network and create belonging together. Here are just some of the events, initiatives and opportunities we've hosted or got behind in the last 6 months!

Not sure if coworking is for you?

Each month we host an open day for everyone to experience coworking.
Get in touch with our team to find out when the next open day is or book a free tour of our space.